Programming Basics

Constructs Expression Exercise

These exercises are designed to evaluate your knowledge, comprehension and application of the programming constructs of expressions. A couple of the problems evaluate your analysis and synthesis of the programming basics discussed so far. It is expected that you should be able to correctly answer all or nearly all of the questions and problems presented. You should do these exercises by yourself. This exercise represents the most foundational and elementary information to be mastered by anyone involved with computer programming.

1. Evaluate the following expressions.


Value of Variable Var

Var := 10 % 3


Var := 0110 | 1010


Var := 27 < -34.0


Var := 3 – 5 * 6


Var := True and False


Var := 12 = (2 * 6)


Var := 2 + 3


Var := !True


Var := 15/3 = 2.5*2


Var := 21/4 (integer)


Var := 10110011<<5


Var := 1001 & 0101


Var := 21.0/4.0


Var := ~11100010


Var := False or True


Var := 15/3 != 2.5*2


Var := 1010 ^ 0110


Var := 345 > -43256


Var := False || False


Var := (12 <= 15) and (-419 >= -937)


Var := 10110011>>3


Var := (3 – 5) * 6 / -2


Var := (True && True) || (!True)



2. Why is left shift and right shift a quick multiplier and divider by 2^n?


3. What happens when you right shift a negative number? Is it a division by 2^n? Show what happens with this expression -50 >> 2.